In this response paper I will mainly response to two articles, they are Are College Worth the Price of Admission? By Andrew Hacker and Claudia Dreifus, and Why Do You Think They’re Called For-Profit Colleges? By Kevin Carey. Besides these two articles, I also want to response to the topic Is Higher Education Worth the Price? first.
When I first saw the title of this chapter, I was immediately attracted. This is the question I have been searching for answer since I was in high school. As I scan through the chapter, I saw some very interesting arguments and opinions. But I found a problem, which most of these articles are talking about higher education in the USA. In my opinion, no offence, to make this a …show more content…
I decided to find out the meaning before reading. After looking up online, I found that it contains more negative connotation. My understanding is that For-Profit College is easy to get in, it costs a lot, more than normal college, and it is easy to earn a degree from it. As I read though the article, the author added some points to my understanding, which For-Profit College sometimes purposely lends out heavy loans that they know will go bad, and still make profits from federal aids. The author also makes argument that For-Profit Colleges are not inherently bad. They provide courses that normal public college cannot, they work with big companies and teach a massive amount of employees. They are also more flexible then regular colleges, which can fits more people’s schedule. But all these strong points For-Profit college are not unique. There are thousands of online courses on internet that can teach people what normal College cannot, and they can also work with companies or organizations. In speaking of flexibility, online teaching is second to none, whenever you have internet access, you can do it. And the most important thing, online education usually cost much less than For-Profit Colleges, some of them are free. In conclusion, For-Profit College exists for a reason, it is better than Diploma mills, people can still learn knowledge from it. But it is overall a bad choice for any purpose, why should anyone carries a burden of debt in his or her life just for a degree without much weight in