People are choosing to buy food that is cheap because it's all that they can afford. While they are able to make more meals out of the food, it isn't necessarily healthy. This has left many people with health problems such as obesity and diabetes. Eli Saslow tries to persuade the audience in "Too Much of Too Little" that food stamps don't necessarily provide people with enough money to eat healthy meals. Saslow brings to question if "Was it more hazardous to go hungry or to eat junk? The choice was left to a 9-year-old boy stuck in a culture that provided him both too much and far too little" (Too Much of Too Little). This question is far too common in today's …show more content…
She has worked for five decades and yet she still doesn't have enough money to pay for everything she needs. Since the money from working didn't give her enough income, she turned to food stamps. Food stamps have provided a way for her to be able to afford everything she needs. I remember the first time I went grocery shopping with my food stamps. I filled my cart with chicken, beef, eggs, milk, coffee, bacon, oatmeal, apples, bananas, orange juice, strawberries and grapes. I went home and stocked my freezer with the extra meat that I was now able to afford" (Morris). All different age ranges can benefit from food