President Johnson initiated a Food Stamp Program in 1964 as a permanent program and an important, vital weapon against the battle against poverty. In its beginning, the program served about 2.9 million and provided $228 million in benefits. As of 2012, it had over …show more content…
Research has shown that the food stamp program is an extremely valuable investment providing large returns for every American, not just the low income. When food stamps get used, everyone benefits. The spending of food stamps creates an increase in the local economic activity resulting in an increase in both farm and retail jobs and beyond. For every five dollars of food stamps, nine dollars of economic activity is generated. Every one billion of retail food demanded by SNAP recipients’ results in 3,300 farm jobs. In an economic decline when resources are under used, increased SNAP benefits initiate a domino effect resulting in an impact on the economy that is larger than the initial stimulus. This effect results from inter-industry and a decline in consumption effects. Inter-industry effects swell from the enhancement of economic activity amongst those industries that offer input goods to producers and the delivery method for purchased goods. Induced consumption effects increase from amplified consumption expenditures by households that obtain augmented earnings from the extra work generated by fresh economic production