It states that healthy adults can reduce their chances of the flu of seventy to ninety percent by getting the flu vaccination. The writers inform us of what all the vaccination is to prevent. It is also said in the article that a few people do have had adverse reactions in the past, though it is unlikely. This article really convinces the readers that the flu shot vaccination is the best way to go about advoiding the influenza.…
Everybody gets the flu sometimes. It is a quite a common occurrence. In fact, about five to twenty percent of the United States population get the flu each year. Many may not know this, but “flu” is actually an abbreviation. An abbreviation for what, one might ask?…
The CDC states, “Influenza (the flu) can be a serious disease that can lead to hospitalization and sometimes even death. Anyone can get very sick from the flu, including people who are otherwise healthy.” (2015). Some people say that they won’t get the vaccine because they don’t need it or because they feel like flu vaccine doesn’t work. Other people…
Getting the flu shot has many benefits and disadvantages. Some prefer to get one. Others are against the idea. The flu shot has a lot more benefits than disadvantages however. Getting the flu shot can save your life surprisingly.…
Flu vaccinations among students should be required to attend classes. A student who is not vaccinated but is very sick can most likely pass the flu to another student since it is contagious. Students who get vaccinated can protect themselves from developing an illness. As a public professional, I would tell someone who believes you can get the flu from the vaccine that they are wrong! The flu shot prevents someone from catching the flu where if it is not taken care of from the beginning it can become…
STRENGTHS There were many strengths about this article, that included methods, rates, graphs, and solutions. One of the strengths for increasing this vaccination rate among health care workers is by instituting the first mandatory influence program for all health care workers. In 2004, this medical center was the first to make the annual influenza vaccination a “fitness-for-duty” requirement for every employee. In this setting, all health workers are educated on influenza and the risks if they are not vaccinated. This vaccination was delivered in many ways which include peer vaccinations, a flu cart available at all times for use by hospital staff, and a mobile flue cart that travels around the hospital.…
This includes sneezing on something ,then someone touches the virus and picks it up and touches their nose or mouth. Some flu symptoms may “include fever,sore throat,runny or stuffy nose”…
I believe that all nurses should receive the flu vaccination for several reasons. Some would be for the protection of themselves and their patients; for their place of business, and for their children. According to the CDC (Center for Disease Control and Prevention), the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP), and the Healthcare Infection Control Practices Advisory Committee (HICPAC) recommend that all U.S. healthcare workers get vaccinated annually against influenza. (Services, n.d.)…
727 words Influenza nfluenza is also called the flu but it is not your common flu it is a highly contagious viral ere illness and can also cause infection the viral infection influenza can kill. The flu causes life threatening complications including pneumonia. The flu is spread by direct contact with a person with the infection and a person without. The estimated amount of deaths that influenza assist with is around three thousand in just Australia.…
One of the argument is that the public thinks that flu shot causes the flu. This argument is completely invalid. The best way to understand why this is untrue is to understand how a vaccine works. It works by putting a small amount of an antigen, a foreign substance such as the flu virus, into body to teach the body how to fight off the sickness. The immune system will make antibodies from the leukocytes, white blood cells, from scratch to fight the vaccine.…
- Flu can affect anyone, not least the pregnant women. Well, in the conditions of the two entities is not rare women who worry if you have to eat cold medicine. So, inevitably they will consult with a gynecologist. Well, according to a professor of obstetrics and gynecology at University Hospitals Case Medical Center in Cleveland, Ohio, Marjorie Greenfield, MD paramount to maintaining the health of mothers and infants to avoid the flu is by vaccination.…
Which means it can be passed down by body fluids and blood. Any fluids that is being touched can cause this virus if it’s in a way that can’t be treated. This common virus is over 200 known viruses strands. The Flu Virus is known as Influenza A and B. Influenza A is the flu that is an infection to the nose, throat, and lungs.…
There are several causes of high blood pressure (Hypertension) some of which we do not have any direct control over, and yet we can still modify the effects of these factors by ensuring that we pay attention to the things that we do have some control, over. I will discuss both kinds on this page so that by the end you know exactly the kind of things you can easily change to reduce the risks associated with high blood pressure, and you know the things that you cannot change so easily and yet can still minimize the effects of to some extent. And then the really good news is that ALL of this positive good stuff can be further enhanced by the use of some well-chosen, high-quality natural high blood pressure remedies, which you can learn all about…
"…each year in the United States, approximately 5-20% of the population gets the flu; more than 200,000 people are hospitalized with flu-related complications; and about 36,000 people die from flu-related causes." (CDC, 2010). Research from the CDC (2013) regarding flu transmission is summarized in the following: People with the flu can spread it to others up to about 6 feet away. Most healthy adults may be able to infect…
It affects systems in the body and causes them to malfunction. When the systems malfunction, it causes flu-related symptoms. The flu is often confused with the common cold, but it’s much more deadly and, in some cases, can even be fatal. The influenza virus affects the respiratory, immune, and digestive systems.…