In the United States, the school serves as a primary institution in regards to the education and socialization of any given community’s children. Over the course of the nearly two-hundred-year history of public education in America, the school has come to replace other significant institutions, such as the church and family, in the daily lives of most students. Children between the ages of 7 and 18 spend a majority of their time in school learning content in addition to being socialized to fit within societal norms. Joel Spring’s Goals of Public Schooling, the introductory text to the course, provides historical insight into the development of the school’s role in society. From the era of Thomas Jefferson’s meritocracy ideology where school’s sole purpose was to enable children with basic skills to Edward Ross’ declaration of school being “a form of social control” a sense of societal liability has been bestowed upon schools.…
Taft defines youth engagements as “...those activities in which children and youth enact a public-spirited commitment in pursuit of the common good” (Taft 18). Youth engagement is a form of collective action in which the members of this engagement are pursuing the same goals. Taft also examines how culture affects youth engagement in political and social affairs. Taft claims that teachers who teach curriculum dealing with immigration and help expand the students’ abilities to persuade and argue are allowing these children to become capable of engaging in civil and leadership movements (Taft 20). Teachers who incorporate teachings about immigration into their curriculum are utilizing culture as a tool to influence students’ motives and ideals.…
Equality is all we have ever asked for, so why is it difficult to understand and give. In “Still Separate, Still Unequal” written by Jonathan Kozol, describes and addresses the problems with our public schools. Kozol mainly focuses on the racial segregation and the isolation students still face today. He uncovers the inequality the education system puts among their students of color. For example, most of the funding for schools goes primarily to white schools, while giving the minority schools the remains.…
A student’s class is undeniably the central component in his or her social landscape. Students first learn how to connect and effectively communicate with human beings in the classroom when they are grouped together with other children their age. Almost every person’s best friends, social bonds, and romantic interests have been defined by socialization within the school he or she attended. Even homeschooled children regularly meet for outings and “play dates” in order to stimulate social development. The ability to interact, interview, and communicate with other people is important in countless aspects throughout life, especially employment, reproduction, and the sake of personal happiness.…
The book, Inequality in the Promised Land: Race, Resources, and Suburban Schooling by R. L’Heureux Lewis-McCoy uses an ethnography to examine everyday interactions between parents, students, teachers and school administration in order to understand why resources seldom trickle down to a district’s racial and economic minorities (2). Lewis-McCoy observed fourth-grade classrooms in two public elementary schools within the Rolling Acres Public Schools (RAPS) – River Elementary and Cherry Elementary. The study used in-depth interviews with parents, children, teachers, community members, and school administrators (14). In this paper, I will focus on three major concepts: concerted cultivation, parental engagement and the colorblind ideology.…
Gallup is committed to using scientifically proven and accepted methodologies for Gallup polling. The various types of methodologies that Gallup uses includes different key surveys, such as the Gallup U.S. Poll, and the Gallup-Sharecare Well-Being Index. The Gallup-Sharecare Well-Being Index works by providing an in-depth view of Americans’ well-being and offers insights into their attitudes and behaviors at the national, state, and community levels. The Well-Being Index measures Americans' perceptions of their lives and their daily experiences through five interrelated elements that make up well-being: purpose, social, financial, community and physical. The survey is conducted by sampling individuals using an address-based sampling (ABS) frame,…
1. Describe the context in which this artifact was developed or collected and what you learned from this experience. This artifact illustrates my progress in developing skills to prepare this quantitative study furthermore, the findings from this study demonstrated that taking a social-emotional approach to education is more effective when the strategies are developmentally informed and also practiced through whole school implementation and direct instruction. Thus, it all must be grounded in the needs of the diverse student communities. Ultimately, social-emotional learning is a necessity to ensure all students are receiving an equitable high quality education that is pertinent in today’s society because students of color and of low income…
The public school system removes individuality from the equation and expects everyone to fit into the parameters established by the federal government. Tomlinson also suggests, “Students flourish when they find a sort of school family—a group that accepts, nurtures, and needs them.” She feels the best way to accomplish this task is to, “. . . ask ourselves what we can do to model, commend, and necessitate mutual…
Have you ever stopped to imagine how the different effects of student’s home lives effect their performance in school? Some of us were fortunate enough to never have to worry about the strenuous effects our home life had on our school life. The American family and culture has changed so drastically over the past twenty to thirty years, many teachers today cannot even relate to the everyday problems that the children of today are facing. This being the case, it is difficult for some teachers to help our struggling youth with the many different problems they bring to the classroom from home. Sadker, Sadker, and Zittleman (2008) suggest that the changing dynamics of families in the 21st century play an important factor in children struggling…
The public education system needs to be reformed for the present and future students. In the article “Against School,” John Gatto writes about how the public education system currently established has declined in building character for the students in class. The public education system uses cell block style where students take six classes a day for five days a week while going to school for nine months year round. This causes both the teachers and the students to become bored with education. The teachers blame the students for being rude and unsupportive of them, whereas the students blame the teachers for giving the same material over and over when they would like to do something different.…
Student engagement is a key component to a well-rounded college experience. Chen, Ingram and Davis argue that “social engagement simply captures a one-sided perspective of the collegiate experience while higher education is a two-tier experience that also include an academic component, the social gains receive outside the classrooms are as equally important as academic advancements” (p. 6). For African American/ Black students the type of institution they select to attend determines their level of social engagement at the institution. The types of experiences available to college students are influenced by student affairs administrators and organizations of higher rank within the institution (Berger 2000; , Bean, 1983; Berger & Braxton,…
Living in the “land of opportunity” allows you to control your life and became the success you to control your life and become the success you have always wanted to be. The american dream incorporates everything from freedom, equality, and opportunity traditionally held to be available for every american. Through the use of the american education system, the rights given to us from the Declaration of Independence, and the motivation for success, anyone in america can reach the american dream. Recently, we had a policy added to our education system of “leave no child behind.”…
From the age of two, children are put into the school system, where they will remain for a quarter of their lives. Schools become a safe place for students where no matter what is going on at home or in their community, they know that when they go to school they are safe. The idea that teachers provide a positive, safe environment for children despite what is going on at home is prevalent in Lynda Barry’s, “The Sanctuary of School.” She mentions the positive effects on students, as their teacher’s involvement is important to ensuring their learning process runs smoothly in the classroom, despite what is happening outside of it. I agree with Lynda Barry’s stance stating teachers become a mentor for students, but I believe she overlooks the negatives…
Education today, in my opinion, is not doing what it should be doing to ensure that America is actually living up to what it is known for...the land of opportunities. I believe that education should be about an empowering experience that helps students discover their passions, fosters their critical thinking skills, promotes an environment that accepts diversity, and encourages students to apply to skills to the outside world. This should be he purpose of American public schooling because it will help society adapt to changing times and encourage the growth of a well-rounded, modern, and accepting culture which in the long run help foster peace and equality. I am sure that there are many schools in America that try and foster all of things,…
Learning has been around since the beginning of time. While schools have not necessarily existed for as long as man has been on earth, the process of learning has. From growing to learning how to use fire to developing computer software that was never thought to be possible. That is what the purpose of schools are in today’s society, to educate its students to learn how to become well rounded individuals, but to also empower students to follow a dream.…