In the Virtual Field Experience Adaptation of CBT Media (Laureate Education, 2012), the counselor Dr. Ford was informing the other counselor Dr. Nabors of what is occurring in the video and how he is using the cognitive behavioral therapy. Dr. Ford is providing therapy to an Hispanic male and this was his second session. The Hispanic male whose male whose name is Luis is in counseling because he is having problems in his marriage, that is creating conflict in his marriage which can lead to the ending of his marriage. This issue is causing Luis to feel depressed. Luis and his wife are from two different culture.…
Field Experience at Wildwood and Ernest Manning My cohort of ten was assigned to visit two schools over a two-week period with a full week dedicated to each location. The two schools were Wildwood elementary and Ernest Manning high school and while their relative closeness to one another would suggest that some Wildwood students may eventually be at Ernest Manning, they are opposites in terms of their status, how they carry themselves, and what they believe to be most important for students. Wildwood elementary is an old school as observed from its small and outdated architecture. Classes are small and at times claustrophobic, especially when packed with 20-25 of the nearly 600 students making it difficult if not impossible to navigate the…
The Field Training Officer (FTO) program was designed to advance a recruit officers knowledge and make them a better patrol officer. The definition of the FTO program is an experienced or senior member of a law enforcement organization, who is responsible for the training and evaluation of a rookie or probationary level officer. I based my FTO program around my departments program. I assisted on the development of this program so we could ensure our recruit officers were getting the best available training provided to them. We established this program in the spring of 2013.…
Going on an international excursion would add more depth and diversity to my overall corps experience. It would allow me to apply, practice, and expand my current understanding of leadership in a real world setting. It would also give me the opportunity to learn about other cultures firsthand. I’ve been told that emersion is the best way to truly understand a countries’ culture, because you don’t know what a place is like until you actually experience it for yourself.…
All around the county from sunny Spring Hill to rural Brooksville, Gulf Coast Academy (GCA) is the best middle school option for me because it offers a very unique hands on science and technology program. The Field Activity Program (FAP) is amazing because I get to learn through field experience in addition to classroom instructions. I am very interested in science, math and technology. GCA offers a very structured and challenging curriculum that will enhance my learning experience and give me a good solid foundation for High School. I adapt and thrive well in a disciplined learning environment and GCA offers this along with small class sizes.…
The Field Training Officer (FTO) program has brought the training of police officers a long way. This excellent program controls discrimination, and that it aids in a wider range of hiring issues. When an officer finishes the FTO program, he or she can honestly know that they have been through both thorough and stern training. Before the implementation of the Field Training Officer (FTO) program, new cadets were assigned to a high-ranking officer. This officer taught the rookie on-the-job training.…
To say that being an EMT amplified my appreciation and passion for the medical field would be an understatement. Additionally, the rigorous academic curriculum at Biotechnology High School expanded my research and lab skills, developed my time management skills and exposed me to classes such as Developmental Biology and Neuroscience/Biopsychology, which further peaked my interest in medicine. While I do work hard when it comes to school, I have learned that it is necessary to participate in activities for the sake of enjoyment.…
“A discipline that starts with dialogue, the capacity of members of a team to suspend assumptions and enter into a genuine thinking together… (Larsen, McInerney, Nyquist, Santos, & Silsbee, n.d.). Since the start of my field site rotation, I have been doing my field site experience with the United States Army Public Health Clinic here on the island of Oahu. As I have noted before, this clinic is unique in that the population that it serves are military service members and military retirees, their families, and the Department of the Army civilian employees. Two-way communication is evident in this organization, and thus should be in all organizations for success to be accomplished.…
The Way Life Teaches: Innocence to Experience Growing up I have come across various individuals, experiences and situations that will forever hold significance for me. These individuals, experiences and situations are/have been my playing field. Professor Camelot defines playing field as “Our playing field is the situation we are born into and how it affects us. It is the tools we have to work with in our lives or what we have available to us and the specific consequences this has on us” (3).…
Field Experience Paper In the school district, that I am interning for this semester, no longer does FCAT or FAIR testing. Instead, they have replaced the test which is now called FSA. FSA is the same test as FCAT and FAIR test. The only difference is that the questions have been worded differently according to some of the teachers here that I work with.…
Fieldwork Excursion #2 Activity #1: Impression Management in Action The first situation I chose to observe myself in was at a volleyball practice, and the second situation I chose to observe myself in was in physics class. At volleyball practice the type of “front” I encounter is an athletic front for I am a starting middle blocker on a college volleyball team. The type of “front” I encounter in physics class is an academic front for this class is in my major. The settings of each definitely play a role in my presentation of self for example volleyball practice is in the gym therefore I wear workout clothes.…
I would hope to hear that I communicated effectively, treated everyone with respect and managed the project with fluidity. I am sure if I had to answer this question a week after the field operation was concluded, my answer would have been different. I know for a fact that back when that field operation took place, I was more concerned with my success verse the success of my team. I have matured a lot since that field operation. Now that I am in college studying organizational leadership, I care more about my relationships with my team and effective communicating.…
I discovered that through proper communication, even the hardest of topics can be explained in simple terms, and I felt a sense of accomplishment when my students expressed gratitude for my lessons. I was amazed that I had the ability to make a profound impact on my peers’ education. By putting myself in positions of mentorship, I realized that I have a strong passion for teaching. Witnessing the power my knowledge and communication skills could have on others, I discovered that I want to utilize my skills as a teacher in my future medical career, helping patients and their families gain a better understanding of the medical obstacles and diseases they may be facing. In addition, I am interested in entering the realm of medical academics, either becoming a professor at a medical school or supervising residents as a residency program director.…
The teacher I chose to interview is a teacher in which I have substituted for and worked with several times over the past year. Her name is Ms. Bierman who teaches ninth grade Earth Science at Air Academy High School, in Academy School District 20. She has been a teacher for about 6 years, not all at her current high school, but all her experience is at the high school level. Ms. Bierman undergraduate work was in Biology and holds a Master’s degree in Curriculum and Instruction. She is currently working on a second Master’s degree in Leadership and Education to get her Principle Licensure.…
What was the activity you participated in? I participated in HealthForce Minnesota’s annual Winona State high school scrubs camp. The camp took place on the Winona State University campus and lasted around a week in June. Campers stayed in the dorms on campus, attending class sessions during the day and doing summer activities. Some classes I took were nursing, dentistry, aging suits, chiropractic medicine, stem cell research, and many more.…