Sacco and Vanzetti were two Italian men that were ‘radical’s and hadn’t …show more content…
This was a large threat due to the cold war. The cold war was based on a rivalry between the two ‘rising powers’ in the world at that time, Russia and the USA. It was based on the difference in their beliefs and what they both stood for. In 1947, the loyalty order as issued and it stated that all federal employees had to be analyzed in order to find out if they were loyal to the US or not. This wasn’t fully accepted in a country where people had strong beliefs of liberty and personal freedom and some saw it as a violation.
America’s fear of communism increased in 1947 when the Soviet Union successfully tested a nuclear bomb, which they believed they would use to try and gain control of the USA. Due to this many politicians from both parties made it a priority to appear as anticommunist as possible in order to convince the public that they were safe and the behavior wouldn’t be tolerated, which would eventually gain them votes.
The public felt the force of the red scare because many who sympathized with communist would find that they would lose their jobs and be alienated forum society even though they were just exercising their personal freedom in join a