While the Russian Revolution was unfolding during the turn of the 20th century, the United States just began to rationalize the fear of Communism because of the effect it could have on their Capitalist Democracy. American civilians and their government prided themselves on their enduring and prosperous ideology of economic isolationism by protecting the country and their sound economy by distancing themselves from radical ideologies such as Communism. As history, continued the Russian Revolution was successful in their goal by taking over power from the Tzar and restoring power to the people. The overwhelming political, social and economic concern in the United States during the 1940’s and 1950’s was the fear of Communism. In the year 1950, the term “McCarthyism” was created by Herbert Block, a writer from the Washington Post, that described it as “ the practice of attempting to minimize the threat of Communism by accusing and detaining …show more content…
The feudal Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union was all fought based on world dominance and who could control most in their sphere of influence.
Once McCarthyism began to truly appeal to the average American citizen, Senator Joseph McCarthy began to go after different high ranking members of the United States government, popular film stars and directors and people within the education industry. The reason behind these calculated attacks were carefully brought out to strike fear into this upper class elite to show that these people are not untouchable. After exposing multiple cases involving film stars and directors, such as the “Hollywood Ten”, McCarthy began to truly build his legacy as the man who incited the Red Scare paranoia in the United