Abigail made the girls so scared of her they would lie about the witchcraft just to protect her. “I will bring pointy reckoning that will shudder you, and you know I can do it...I can make you wish you had never seen the sun had never gone down...now you sit up and stop this!” - Abigail pg 19. Abigail had a big effect on these girls, by telling them what she would do to them if they ever told the truth. While the lies got worse and more harsh, Abigail started blaming more people that would never be suspected of being a witch like nurse Rebecca and Elizabeth Proctor. The girls also didn’t want disappoint her. Everytime that abigail starts acting weird when they are in the courtroom all the girls start copying abigail. Just how mccarthy had the power to say who was a communist. “The Humphrey bill subjected any person with knowledge of the objectives of the communist party who willfully became or remained a party member to imprisonment for not more than five years and a fine of $10,000”. McCarthy could say who was a communist and was able to do whatever he wanted with them. McCarthy made all these different laws and bills saying what would happen if you were a communist, he supposedly was trying to stop people from becoming communist. But it didn’t fix anything, just made people more scared.
The Crucible by Arthur Miller is a purposeful anecdote for the Red Scare in the McCarthy period because of fear of the leader,