Through the exploitation of social stratification many big businesses are able to remain successful while at the same time placing those workers on the lower end of the bureaucratic spectrum in harms way. Utilizing an old form of exploitation that was made popular by former president Theodore Roosevelt, and usually seen in politics Schlosser exposed the atrocities that underpaid minimum wage workers endured in the meat packing industries. Again agreeing with his standpoint the fact that political lobbyist, individuals, groups or organizations that actively seek to influence government policy, fight for big business in order to prevent legislator from passing laws that can protect the franchises workers is baffling. To support the book of Fast Food Nation, in a less harsh manner there is the American Way of Eating: Undercover at Walmart, Applebee's, Farm Fields, and the Dinner Table, by Tracie McMillan. In this book the author goes undercover, much like Schlosser, in order to unveil the mysteries of the American food systems through the process of working with food throughout the various stages of produce, ranging from when it is first picked in the fields to actually being served in a restaurants. These two authors take different approaches on the same subject, but where McMillan's work focuses on a persons social classification in which she studies how the role of wealth and social standing has on what we consume; Schlosser focuses on the physical exploitation of the
Through the exploitation of social stratification many big businesses are able to remain successful while at the same time placing those workers on the lower end of the bureaucratic spectrum in harms way. Utilizing an old form of exploitation that was made popular by former president Theodore Roosevelt, and usually seen in politics Schlosser exposed the atrocities that underpaid minimum wage workers endured in the meat packing industries. Again agreeing with his standpoint the fact that political lobbyist, individuals, groups or organizations that actively seek to influence government policy, fight for big business in order to prevent legislator from passing laws that can protect the franchises workers is baffling. To support the book of Fast Food Nation, in a less harsh manner there is the American Way of Eating: Undercover at Walmart, Applebee's, Farm Fields, and the Dinner Table, by Tracie McMillan. In this book the author goes undercover, much like Schlosser, in order to unveil the mysteries of the American food systems through the process of working with food throughout the various stages of produce, ranging from when it is first picked in the fields to actually being served in a restaurants. These two authors take different approaches on the same subject, but where McMillan's work focuses on a persons social classification in which she studies how the role of wealth and social standing has on what we consume; Schlosser focuses on the physical exploitation of the