Fahrenheit 451 Changes

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Changing mindsets, breaking boundaries and burning one of the most powerful things in the world flood Guy Montag’s life. These are only three adaptations that happen during the time.
In Ray Bradbury’s novel, Fahrenheit 451, the most important theme is change.
Currently, books are one of the biggest learning utensils used in almost every subject. These textbooks and novels are packed with information to give us knowledge and help us understand subjects. When we read stories, we learn how to comprehend detail and think of the deeper meaning. However, during the time period Fahrenheit 451 takes place in, books are the complete opposite. According to many, they are useless, dumb, and filled with useless facts. They also despise them due to how
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Clarisse broke boundaries by thinking deeply and asking questions that no one would ever ask. She had conversations and stayed up late socializing. This affected Montag and created a domino effect after she asked him if he was happy. His whole life he was rarely asked this and if he was he would say of course, until he actually thought about it. He took off his mask and thought about his awful wife and how his occupation as a fireman burning books and people’s houses was not bettering the world. Suddenly, just by Montag taking off his mask, he started to change not only his mindset, but the society. Montag then went on to make his plan to end the burning of books after killing a woman who died for what she believed in. The plan was to put books in firemen houses’ so the community would start asking why. The simple actions of these two characters ended up creating a ripple effect and adjusted the world for the better.
In conclusion, there were many alterations in the novel. Due to the way society is altered in Fahrenheit 451, how they burn books and how Clarisse and Montag tried to make an impact in the world, change is the biggest theme in the

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