False names, or pen names if you will have been used threw out history. Some women had to use a man’s name so they could get published because women weren’t allowed to write, or shouldn't be writing about such a subject. Maybe they have to use a different name because people expect a specific story genre form that author, but the author wants to try something new. A new name is like a new identity, and some authors want to try new things such as a new style of writing without the feedback or comments from their original fans. Pen names can be used for a number of reasons Charlotte Brontë had to use a pen name because she was a woman of the Victorian era. Victorian culture discouraged women from having literary aspirations, …show more content…
In March of 1837 she finally got her response. Robert told her that she shouldn’t go on to try and peruse her writing. That “Literature cannot be business of a woman’s life, and it ought not to be.” He believed that a woman’s place was at home cooking, cleaning, and helping out with the children. That woman shouldn’t be doing such things as writing even if they have a nick for it. Southey thought that because lots of people were getting their poetry published and they not all of it was very popular that nobody would care as to if she wrote poetry or not. Ms. Brontë was told that her writing wasn’t good enough, that she wouldn’t be a published writer.
Even author Stephen King uses pen names. He writes as King and Bachman, Richard Bachman that is. This was he could write more books because when he started writing it was most common for writers to publish one book a year. If he wrote as both King and Bachman he could publish twice the amount that he usually would. King could write as much as he wanted and publish more of his work per year. Pen names can be used for a number of reasons. Famous authors such as the ones above used them. It doesn’t mean they have to change their style of writing if they’re using a different name. Pen names are almost like a new identity to an author. They can write what they want without having critics compare their old work to