No matter how hard you look or how far you go, you will never find two people that are exactly the same. Everyone in this world has a different story to tell. That is why everyone should be proud of their heritage and where they came from. The poem "Depression Days" by Pat Mora, and the short story "Names/Nombres" by Julia Alvarez both clearly stated this. They teach us to be proud of our heritage and who we are.…
In the Unites States many peoples names are ignored , in some cases people’s names are mispronounced by lazy people who don 't respect the worth of a name, and in many other cases in American history groups of people are given a name simply off the color of…
When Justin Turner smacked the game-winning home run for the Dodgers on Sunday night, announcers, sportswriters, bloggers and fans all called it the same thing: a “walk-off.” Unknown as recently as the 1970s and 1980s, the term “walk-off” for a game-ending hit has become as comfortable a part of the baseball lexicon as “balls” and “strikes.” And it’s spreading.…
Why do people change their names? Does changing a name change a person’s identity? Similar to Jay Gatsby from the book The Great Gatsby written by F. Scott Fitzgerald, Gogol Ganguli from the The Namesake written by Jhumpa Lahiri, both reinvents oneself by changing their names. Lahiri produces examples of Gogol’s transformation: new culture, new opportunities, and most of all new identity. Fitzgerald also shows these transformations on Jay Gatsby; but instead of having a new culture, Gatsby changed his name for the sake of making his and Daisy’s relationship possible.…
Most people understand that police officers and other emergency responders do dangerous jobs at times. This work becomes even more dangerous when police officers or other emergency responders have to stop on the side of busy roads. Since 1999, over 200 law enforcement officers have been struck and killed by vehicles. Along with that, paramedics, tow truck drivers, and others who need to get out of their vehicles to help people along busy roadways have been hurt or killed when they were hit by a vehicle while working along a busy roadway. Because of that, Move Over Laws have been implemented in all 50 states with Hawaii being the most recent state to adopt a Move Over Law in July 2012.…
It doesn’t mean they have to change their style of writing if they’re using a different name. Pen names are almost like a new identity to an author. They can write what they want without having critics compare their old work to…
Is It Possible to Change Who Someone Is? Changing or altering one’s identity will be something that takes time but is not impossible. Identity is composed of many things, but some things make up a majority of your identity. Most people do not recognize their insecurities alone, majority have insecurities pointed out to them. Once insecurities are pointed out, a lot of people look to improve on the characteristics that they are insecure about.…
A recent discussion has came up about how some schools in the eastern part of America have made the rule that if a student isn’t maintaining a 2.00 GPA or higher, their licenses can be revoked. While this is difficult for some people around the country to come up with an agreement on, many people disagree with it. Taking away a student's car for getting bad grades is an unfair idea. Granted, taking away a student's car because they are getting bad grades might make the student try harder in school. Yes, if student notices themselves getting bad grades, it could possibly motivate them to work harder in school and show more effort.…
Poetry Jam “If it doesn’t challenge you, it won’t change you” - Anonymous. When I was in sixth grade, my friend Taylor and I were presenting for a poetry jam in the team room. My teacher had announced the order we were presenting, with me and Taylor going third.…
Pen names have been used by authors throughout history because, if they use real names their writing might not get published, women had a difficult time publishing their writing, the author wants to stay anonymous. Back then female or women writers would have to use a boy pen name. Publishers thought girl writers were crazy and could not be published. One famous pen name was J.K rowling. She used that name in all her books no one knew it was a girl.…
(Miller 133). I understand how important a name is. I believe they are important. Names give people an identity. It is almost like a form of comfort.…
Whether we are Hispanics, African, or other ethnicities, our mother tongue is different than the English language. When pronouncing our name in English the accent of our name changes it is no longer our name, When English becomes our second language, our mother tongue stays with us because it is our language from culture. However, when English is our second language it is more likely to become less fluent than our first language. In Manuel Munoz essay, "Leave Your Name at the Border", Munoz mentioned ‘ 'Language is all about manipulation, or not listening to the rules ' ', Munoz means the language is pronounced differently than what it should actually be spoken. I can relate to Munoz in several ways like trying to fit in, people creating assumptions about foreign people, and how our name is pronounced.…
I believe that moving schools can be life changing and affect your grade once summer's over or your in the middle of the school year. I was only seven and I was the best reader in class and I really enjoyed it and I was so smart and nothing could stop me. I could/was able to read so many books in a week it was crazy.…
Moving to a new school is a hard thing to do; I should know. It’s a very slow adjustment. I have moved schools five times since first grade. Each time moving has gotten harder. I move, make new friends, then move again.…
The use of pen names allow all writers to achieve literary success in their writing. Pen names allow all different types of authors to have independence and opportunities to reach the goals in life that are inaccessible with their real…