Evidence-Based Health Promotion

Superior Essays
The use of theories, values and principles in evidence-based health promotion is key to informing prevention levels and strategies aimed at reducing the burden of disease from alcohol-associated consumption and harm in young Australian adults. Values are desirable concepts, a principle is a rule for action and a theory explains a framework for evidence (5, 22). One principle of ‘Change processes’ which includes active participation, non-maleficence and maximum beneficence, is helpful in assessing the health impact of policy and community-based strategies relating to identified risk factors for alcohol consumption (22). Involving affected individuals and communities in health promotion planning, enables and empowers people to be key effectors …show more content…
Firstly, policy-based strategies involving regulations or changes in legislation surrounding alcohol consumption, and secondly community-based strategies that seek to empower and actively engage community-members in facilitating change (20, 21). Some of the most effective measures in reducing alcohol-related harm and consumption have come from ‘top-down’ regulatory methods, such as that in Cape York (15). Furthermore, taxing alcohol volumetrically (by alcohol content) is both effective and cost-effective; while providing indispensable funding for community-based strategies and programs that may have been created by subpopulations within various communities (20, 21). Moreover, policy reform is suggested to have positive social effects on the downstream impacts of alcohol misuse (21). However, research into the effects on socio-economically disadvantaged individuals and community involvement is paramount to preventing alcohol misuse and other negative …show more content…
In general, consumption levels are of low immediate risk to health and injury, however some individuals drink to levels that heightened these risks (1). The total global disease burden attributable to alcohol use is 4%; with costs of around $15.3 billion and with much higher rates of alcohol-attributable hospitalisation in 2005 than 1995 (2). In 2015, studies found that around 70% of young men and 61% of young women aged 18-24 years exceeded guidelines for single-occasion drinking (no more than 4 standard drinks on one occasion per year), with young adults more likely to exceed recommendations than other age groups

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