Euthanasia In Canada

Superior Essays
Is legalizing Euthanasia immoral? Unethical? Should it even be a topic of discussion? Jack Kevorkian a famous physician believes that euthanasia should be legalized as he states “dying is not a crime”. A big body of the Government of Canada would also approve euthanasia being legalized. The Right to die society of Canada believes that legalizing euthanasia would benefit Canadian residents. The main arguments for legalizing euthanasia are, it provides a way of relief when a person’s quality of life is low, it frees up medical funds, and it is another case of freedom of choice. These strong arguments have swayed me to want euthanasia to be legalized. On the other hand, religions such as the Roman Catholic Church, Hindus and Islam believe that legalizing euthanasia would interfere with the cycle of life. There are organizations such as, Euthanasia Prevention Coalition in Ontario, and The Compassionate Healthcare Network in British Columbia and six other organizations throughout Canada that disapprove the legalization of euthanasia as it is immoral and unethical. The main reasons that the populace of Canada is against euthanasia are it is against the Hippocratic Oath, it would devalue human life, and the “Slippery Slope” effect.
Historical Background
Historian Nick Kemp believes that euthanasia was debated and practised
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Administering poison or even suggesting it to patients would be unethical for the physician which would mean he has failed to uphold an oath that physicians require to practice medicine. This statement is factual and biased. It is factual because the oath is real and is true that many physicians swear under the Hippocratic Oath. It is also biased because this oath was created before science was a real field and there is always loopholes to many written

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