We, Elizabeth, Jessica and Raina are studying Biotechnology- Forensics Advance in Fleming College. This report was prepared as an assignment for Technical Communications, as a Group Presentation Report. The report looks at the status of Physician Assisted Suicide (PAS) in Canada. Being a contemporary medical, ethical and legal issue, we found it to be an apt report topic.
This report includes the history of legalization, the current stance and the ethical perspectives Physician Assisted Suicide in Canada. It covers various cases and laws dealing with PAS. The sources were journal articles, news websites and books. The college library database was also used for research and proved helpful. Over two weeks of time was invested in making this report.
Physician Assisted Suicide is a highly …show more content…
In the case, the stories of patients who were denied the right were addressed along with the reference to statistics taken from the UK. ( source - http://search.proquest.com.eztest.ocls.ca/sciencejournals/docview/1348582985/1E39D4CF3DE54A63PQ/3?accountid=28555). It stated that around 300 Britons committed suicide every year. 78% of Canadians agreed with the 9 justices who ruled unanimously in the favor of physician-assisted dying; moreover, this judgment is likely to herald changes outside Canada.
The legalization of PAS in Canada shows how society has matured to accept the right of a person to choose a dignified death allowed by the law( source-http://www.dyingwithdignity.ca/assisted_dying_is_a_right). It took more than two decades for the Supreme Court to make the decision, showing that the decision has been given a lot of thought, and has been taken keeping several factors in mind. As the Supreme Court has finally passed the judgment, it will take a set of new rules to reflect how the Canadians make use of this new law to make lives more peaceful and