I am both honored & humbled to speak about our Mother. While, I cannot begin to do justice to speak to the incredible person she was in just a few minutes, I would like to explain what she meant to us and how I have come to realize what her greatest legacy will now become.
She would be happy that we are gathered here in prayer for her eternal life as she loved this church which she was a part of for nearly 70 years dating back to when it was located in Del Mar.
My Mom worked at St. James School as the secretary to the principal …show more content…
James School I think I was in the fourth grade at the time. Her desk was in the principal’s office. Just the thought of the next time I would get into trouble & be sent to the principal’s office and need to face my Mom before even seeing the principal? (well if a 9 year old can get panic attacks I think I did just worrying about how I was going to handle that)
Her entire life was centered around her strong faith in God, her devotion to her family and the desire to help in any way she could to support those in need. I believe I can safely say that she lived her life as a soldier of Christ.
She was strong, selfless and brave-hearted. She never complained about being uncomfortable or in pain. But rather she would ask how I felt. Through points in my life when I needed someone the most, I always knew my Mom would be there to let me know she loved me, unconditionally. Her concerns were always of others not herself. In dying she was strong and spiritually prepared to accept her death was near. She only worried about us. Rightfully so, as she knew that she was the cohesive glue that held her family