“Nurses face daily ethical challenges in the provision of quality care. To retain nurses, targeted ethics-related interventions that address caring for an increasingly complex patient population are needed”, (Ulrich, Taylor, Soeken, O’Donnell, Farrar, Danis and Grady, 2010). “Illness is the subjective perception of a person that has experienced a change from the customary state he/she regards as health”, (Pellegrina & Thomasma, 131). The patient is no longer able to carry out their daily activities as they normally do. The illness leads to vulnerability which will lead the patient to seek the help of a physician. It is looked upon as the health professional has a duty to heal. …show more content…
“Professions that society once held to high ethical standards, including pharmacy, medicine, nursing, law and the priesthood, have been plagued with problems”, (Peterson, Potter, 2004). Health professionals can become enslaved by modern society. Technology always steps in when the natural path of life should take precedence. In health care, autonomy allows a patient to accept or deny services and/or treatment. Patients are already in a vulnerable state, so therefore, want to be involved in decision making. There are so many avenues in which patients can seek out information, which makes patients more