Esther M. Blessing Article Analysis

Decent Essays
Blessing, Esther M. et al. “Cannabidiol as a Potential Treatment for Anxiety Disorders.” Neurotherapeutics 12.4 (2015): 825–836. PMC. Web. 29 Apr. 2018
In this article Ester M. Blessing describes the therapeutic properties cannabidiol has. She reports how cannabidiol works with the receptors in the body in order to provide the therapeutic effects. This article is a reliable source because the author, Ester is a postdoctoral researcher, and has expertise in Neuropsychopharmacology. This article is a great source for my research paper on the way cannabidiol is revolutionizing modern medicine . I will use this article to show the interaction between cannabidiol, and certain receptors that helps with healing.
“DEA / Drug Scheduling.”
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The website shown is the official government website of the Drug Enforcement Administration making it creditable, and also reliable. In my research paper I aimed to show the DEA's stance by explaining how the class cannabidiol.
Fiz Jimena et al., “Cannabis Use in Patients with Fibromyalgia: Effect on Symptoms Relief and Health-Related Quality of Life” PLOS ONE 6(4): e18440, 2011
In this article, researchers share the results of their study on a fibromyalgia patients. This study compared the pain levels of fibromyalgia patients using cannabis to non-users. The source is reliable because the study was located in a scientific peer-reviewed journal. The significance of this source is to emphasize the therapeutic effects of cannabidiol.
FM Leweke et al.,” Cannabidiol enhances anandamide signaling and alleviates psychotic symptoms of schizophrenia” Translational Psychiatry v2 n3, e94,
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In this overview GW Pharmaceuticals tells how their product is currently undergoing an FDA-authorized clinical trials program, the success of the product, along with a link to the clinical trial government website. The website is reliable because it is the direct source for Epidiolex ,a cannabidiol medicine that can possibly be the first of its kind to be approved by the U.S Food and Administration. My research paper is showing the way cannabidiol is revolutionizing modern medicine. The drug Epidiolex will be a big part of my paper. I will use this source to show how cannabidiol is starting to be accepted on the international level.
Neubauer, David, et al. “Cannabidiol for treatment of refractory childhood epilepsies: Experience from a single tertiary epilepsy center in Slovenia”. Epilepsy & Behavior. Apr2018, Vol. 81, p79-85.
In this editorial, the authors report the effectiveness of CBD when added on to the treatment of children with refractory epilepsy. This editorial is reliable because the authors are specialized in neurology, and the results are from the studies on their own patients. This editorial is useful in my research paper because it supports my central thesis. I will use it to show how beneficial cannabidiol is on the epilepsy.
Shannon,Scott, Opila-Lehman, Janet. “Effectiveness of Cannabidiol Oil for Pediatric Anxiety and Insomnia as Part of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder”

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