This might seem impossible with access to his or her phones 24 hours a day, but limiting yourself to 5 to 10 minutes of phone time, a child can have the rest of the 1 hour and 50 minutes to watching a movie, doing homework or watching their favorite television show. With all of the technological improvements it almost seems unusual to cut down on screen time but this is a growing problem in our society. Increasing the amount of hands-on activities at home and giving the children a chance to play outside are both ways to draw kids away from too much screen time. Having friend get togethers and playdates are also ways to encourage kids to spend more time off of the screen.
In conclusion, too much screen time is an extremely bad habit that has many negative effects. It can cause impaired brain development, shortened attentions span, limit creativity and much more. This can cause many problems in the future of the child because they will have so much stimulation that they might not be ready for the real world and hands on activity. Therefore, limiting the amount of screen time children have is a critical decision that parents should