Criteria for Achievement: Santonias will increase age appropriate behavioral control and effectively manage display behaviors of impulsively, defiance, and anger 6 out of 9 incidents per week.
Objectives: 1. Santonias will learn and practice coping skills weekly. 2. Santonias will learn to manage inappropriate display of emotions.
Planned Interventions / Frequency / Responsible Party: 1. MHS will teach, model, and encourage positive behavior daily. 2. MHS will educate, discuss, and redirect Santonias when inappropriate behaviors are display daily. 3. MHS will model healthy communication and provide support …show more content…
Criteria for Achievement: Santonias will learn and practice appropriate independent skills 4 out of 7 days.
Objective: 1. Santonias will develop one independent living skill per week. 2. Santonias will demonstrate comprehension of each independent living skill weekly.
Planned Interventions / Frequency / Responsible Party:
1. MHS will weekly provide Santonias with resources for meal planning. 2. MHS will teach and reinforce budgeting skill monthly. 3. MHS will daily teach and provide feedback to Santonias to maintain a clean living space and maintain a cleaning routine. 6. MHS will monthly teach and demonstrate how to access community resources in case of emergency.
Progress Summary: Santonias made no progress towards this goal. MHS report Santonias does not put away his clothes neatly, clean his bedroom, and refused to put up behind himself. Santonias struggle to comply with the home rules and completing chores. Santonias require several prompts daily.
Goal # 3: Santonias will learn and develop impulse control.
Criteria of Achievement: Santonias will be able to develop alternative adaptive behaviors to decrease impulsive behaviors 6 out of 8 incidents per