Overuse of these beverages can lead to faster heartbeat and thicker blood. A fast heart rate can make falling asleep more difficult than it normally would be. Thick blood makes the heart work harder to push blood throughout the body which could result in blood clots. Dr. John Higgins, a cardiologist at the remarked, “They’re sort of a black box. We really don't know a lot about them.” Different energy drinks can have a variety of ingredients so it is hard to say which ones are safe and which ones are unhealthy. They can be dangerous for people under 18, pregnant woman, and people who are not used to caffeine. Chugging these drinks can also cause severe side effects. This includes rapid heart beats which could pose a health risk. They also lead to higher level of stress when consumed quickly. Energy drinks not only cost money but they put consumers’ health at
Overuse of these beverages can lead to faster heartbeat and thicker blood. A fast heart rate can make falling asleep more difficult than it normally would be. Thick blood makes the heart work harder to push blood throughout the body which could result in blood clots. Dr. John Higgins, a cardiologist at the remarked, “They’re sort of a black box. We really don't know a lot about them.” Different energy drinks can have a variety of ingredients so it is hard to say which ones are safe and which ones are unhealthy. They can be dangerous for people under 18, pregnant woman, and people who are not used to caffeine. Chugging these drinks can also cause severe side effects. This includes rapid heart beats which could pose a health risk. They also lead to higher level of stress when consumed quickly. Energy drinks not only cost money but they put consumers’ health at