Globalization is the interaction between people, companies and government of different nations. Globalization focuses on changes which occurred in economic and political affairs. Globalization also have significant impact on local cultures and values. The effects of globalization on local cultures have received less intention due to the fact that the issue of local culture is more confusing and sensitive.
With the development in economics, culture and science globalization also affected these fields. Globalization have huge impacts on cultural spheres. The process of globalization is irreversible. It is the positive progress of human civilization however it has many negative effects which cannot be ignored. It has more negative effect on culture, so we cannot allow free development of globalization. We need to maintain our …show more content…
Technology provide medium to cultures to provide public knowledge and stories to understand. It also provide ways to culture to retain their cultural diversity. Their own media allows control of their artifact signs and symbols that are considered as cultural property. If cultures are controlled by their own public images they are better equipped to manage and represent their images appropriately without misunderstandings. Technology can be used preserve language customs and cultures. Technology can become a platform to mobilize ideas viewpoints and campaigns.
Relation is a key component of a community, technology provides way to strengthen relationship and create what is commonly known as global village. We see in the history that when there is a greater communication between cultures it ultimately have creative results for example Periclean Athens. Global networking provides opportunity to solve problem with in the