I am sure we can all agree that not every situation with other teachers, parents and even students is a pleasant one. There are days that are easier than others, but they truly make us stronger. In life, both professionally and personally, it is best to see situations in the bigger picture. I often find myself questioning my motives to help keep me in check. Who will be affected by my decision? Who benefits from it? Why am I doing this? Taking my own benefits out of the equation help me keep focus on the well being of the students and providing them the best possible education. Working on a professional team can be a wonderful experience or one of the worst possible. One way to set up the group on a positive note would be to set ground rules and expectations that will lead to successful group sessions. By allowing input from all group members when developing these expectations it starts the team out on a positive note, but also gives ownership to all involved. Another example of keeping open communication …show more content…
“People want a leader they can trust in times of need and a person they can depend on to represent their interests. Care about your people and they will care about you. Mutual loyalty is an important force for getting things done, especially in emergencies and adverse conditions” (Manning & Curtis, 2015, p. 198). Teaching is a difficult career to take on and often teachers just need a sounding board. They are looking for someone to validate their feelings, then will be able to muster up the energy to complete the dreaded task. A leader needs to make the time and effort to just listen and be encouraging. Showing someone you care about them and what they think can make a world of difference in many different