In Enrique’s Journey he has to make many different decision either to stay with his mom or leave back to Honduras. But there are many different reasons that motivate Enrique to stay with his mother,however he faces a dilemma because he has a daughter in Honduras and his girlfriend which he misses terribly. In the book it says “At midnight she kisses her son. Enrique hugs back, harder.”happy new years. I love you, he tells his mother…” (nazario page 204)Enrique feels connected with his mom and happy he appreciates her now more and more every little moment they have. He went threw so much and it was such a bad journey just to make it with his mother threw all that struggle.
In Enrique’s Journey he has to make many different decision either to stay with his mom or leave back to Honduras. But there are many different reasons that motivate Enrique to stay with his mother,however he faces a dilemma because he has a daughter in Honduras and his girlfriend which he misses terribly. In the book it says “At midnight she kisses her son. Enrique hugs back, harder.”happy new years. I love you, he tells his mother…” (nazario page 204)Enrique feels connected with his mom and happy he appreciates her now more and more every little moment they have. He went threw so much and it was such a bad journey just to make it with his mother threw all that struggle.