Emotions In 'Tuesdays With Morrie' By Mitch Albom

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Tuesdays with Morrie by Mitch Albom is a novel on the end of Morrie Schwartz’s life. This book has many examples of the four reasons we do not express emotions and many examples of those reason being broke so people can express their emotions. Morrie was Mitch’s professor back in college and after college Mitch never contacted Morrie again until he saw Morrie on “Nightline”. Morrie was dying of ALS, which is why he was on “Nightline”. Mitch calls to see how his old professor is doing and they set up a date where Mitch can visit Morrie. Mitch goes to visit the old dying man, which begins their last class together on how to live life. One of the reasons we do not express our emotions is social rules, which affects our ability to express our …show more content…
An example of a social role that Mitch felt he needed commit to is when the union at his newspaper went on strike, “ As a member of the union, I had no choice: I was suddenly, and for the first time in my life, out of a job, out of a paycheck and pitted against my employers” (Albom 44). Although Mitch had objections to the strike becauses it put him against people he once called friends he did not express those feelings of objections because he was a member of the union. Being apart of the union made his social role to stay on strike, even with his objections. He could not voice because he was apart of the union and that would go against his social role. An example of how a social role is broken is when Morrie is at a basketball game and all the students are rilled up, “At one point, in the midst of ‘We’re number one!’ he rises and yells, ‘What’s wrong with being number two?’” (Albom 159). When Morrie stands up to ask his question he breaks his social role of being a teacher and therefore a fan of the colleges sport team. A sport fan’s social role is to cheer for their team and want for their team to be the best, so by Morrie expressing his feeling of confusion about it mattering who was the best he went against his social role as a sport’s …show more content…
An example of the fear of self disclosure is during Morrie’s first “Nightline” interview, when Morrie asks Koppel to tell him something about his faith, “Koppel was uncomfortable” (Albom 20). Koppel goes on to give an explanation to why he was so uncomfortable, but essentially he was afraid to tell Morrie something about himself when they had just met. He did not want to tell Morrie something about himself that Morrie would not have known otherwise and as a result he was not able to express any type of emotion other than uness on the subject until he told Morrie about his faith a minute later. He could not express any dislike towards religion or strong love because he did not want to share details about his religion. An example showing Morrie self disclosing information and therefore expressing his emotions is when he is talking to Mitch after he has gotten to the point where someone has to wipe his bottom for him, “I began to enjoy my dependency” (Albom 116). Morrie goes on to express his enjoyment and happiness that he can rely on other people. His ability to express this joy came from him sharing a detail about himself that Mitch would not have otherwise

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