The equipment they use has really changed throughout the years with the advancements in technology it is much safer than one may think. The equipment and gear include your basic hard hat, insulated gloves for electrical shock or burn up to 30,000 volts, climbers of course for climbing poles, gafts razor sharp made for climbing poles more safely, safety strap made for when you are at the top of the pole, …show more content…
His job is a line design technician which includes checking poles, staking poles, and creating jobs for the lineman. I will be attending Texas State Technical College in the fall and complete their lineman certificate program. I hope to one day have a job with HCEC as a lineman as some of the other veteran lineman from there move on to other jobs or retirement. Speaking of retirement the retirement you get for this job is amazing, along with insurance that covers you even after you retire. All the benefits are what people don't know about, this is one of the many reasons I would love to have a job like