“Ancient Egyptians had a very positive attitude toward daily life on earth and followed advice of the wisdom literature, which suggested that people marry young and establish a home and family”(p.18-19). By reading this, you can tell that the Egyptian’s way of life was similar to ours, therefore making their civilization extremely advanced. Another quote that I found in the text book that was quite interesting was, “The tombs were well prepared for their residence.” “The Egyptians believed that human beings had two bodies, a physical one and a spiritual one”(p.17). This shows us that the Egyptians had tremendous respect for their people and for their human bodies. “To preserve the physical body after death, the Egyptians practiced mummification, a process of slowly drying a dead body to prevent it from rotting”(p.17) This was another way of showing the readers that the Egyptians had complete respect for the human …show more content…
“An Egyptian pyramid was not just the king’s tomb; it was also an important symbol of royal power”(p.17). People built pyramids to praise their Gods, symbolize their power, and preserve their culture. These pyramids were a reminder of the living Gods on earth and this is why they had an important significance to the people. Ancient Egypt also had a great place for defence against army. It was located in the desert which made this an advantage for the Egyptians and made it a disadvantage to the people they were fighting with because of the desert heat and the flat ground.
Ancient Egypt was a great place for women to live. “Women’s property and inheritance remained in their hands, even in marriage”(p.19). The ancient Egypt civilization was smart enough to realize that a woman should be able to do whatever a man can do. Although they still did not have full freedom they still were still better off then other ancient civilization. As from the notes we took in class in Ancient Greece the women had to be followed everywhere they went. They were not legal, they were property. I think that this is absolutely crazy because this shows to the readers that women had no freedom