Poe began drinking alcohol and often times passed out from it. Alcohol was used whenever a problem at hand arose (“Authors and Artists,” 1995). He began to get involved in gambling and quickly had an unpayable debt. Later in his life he even became involved in drugs. (“Concise Dictionary,” 1998). Alcohol, drugs, nor gambling allowed him to get passed the pain in life. Yet again, Poe found the one place that seemed to take all of the pain and difficulty away. He used these negative events in his life to create the horror genre and make many writings that stunned the …show more content…
John Allan, Poe’s father taught him a valuable lesson in life. Allan was greedy and always obsessed with being rich. This seems to be why Poe and Allan’s personalities clashed from the start. Poe wouldn’t stop trying in life until he found something in his life that made him happy. Allan seemed to be someone who would do whatever it would take to get another dollar (“Concise Dictionary,” 1998). Poe’s friends were always a positive influence on him. They tried to keep him away from alcohol. His friends wanted him to pursue his writing in his free time. His friends and his father each had a different impact to him. Each person was a necessary influence for Poe to be successful as he ended up