. MEDICAL UPDATE: Client continues to report arthritis in her left leg and hand, high blood pressure, stomach hernia and hip replacement surgery. Client continues to report she needs surgery and she can wait to be housed so she can schedule both surgeries stomach and hip replacement.…
She was diagnosed with systolic heart failure, dilated cardiomyopathy, and fatigue/malaise. A series of laboratory tests and a 2D echocardiogram were…
A review of her medical record indicates she suffers from late effect CVA with muscle weakness that occurred earlier this year. At which time she revoke hospice and was admitted to the hospital and treated for her CVA with rehab stay upon her discharge from the hospital. She suffers from chronic back pain/post herpetic back pain resulting for history of shingles. She suffers from co-morbidities of CKD-Chronic, Afib-stable and osteoarthritis that is chronic.. She also has a history of functional decline, weight loss, HF, TIA and Urinary incontinence.…
Her review of systems was positive for joint issues, nocturnal urination, trouble falling back to sleep, fatigue, weight gain (30-40 pounds over the last 2 years), constipation, dyspepsia, fever, night sweats, and chills. Eye floaters, sore throat, sinus congestion, difficulty breathing, occasional chest pain and palpitations, joint swelling in the knees, anemia, muscle weakness, and paresthesias were also noted. Her physical examination was unremarkable.…
Laura’s grandfather has begun having memory problems. First, he would constantly forget where he placed his keys or his wallet. Then he would have trouble remembering to pay the bills or cooking dinner. One day, Laura took him shopping, and in the middle of the trip, while they were both using the restroom, Laura’s grandpa left. Laura spent many hours searching for him in the shopping area, but to no avail, she could not find him.…
Understanding Dementia In this booklet I will be giving a description on six different types of dementia that affect people in the UK and their most common signs and symptoms. I will then outline the possible effects of dementia on an individual’s health and their quality of life. And finally give an assessment of the possible effects of different types of dementia on individuals and their families.…
History of the Presenting Problem: Client stated that current problems have been persistent for every day, multiple times a day for 6 months. She reports noticing symptoms in September of this year, when the…
A review of his medical record indicates a medical history of peripheral edema, chronic pain Seizures, Hypotension, Prostate cancer, bladder removal, sleep apnea, NIDDM, gout, kidney stones, neuropathy, pulmonary embolus-has filter, DVTin right leg, chronic edema in right leg and chronic pain syndrome. At today’s visit he is accompanied by his wife. He is homebound due to his immobility. His wife reports that his immobility started 8 years ago.…
She was found to have an elevated ESR, AST, ALT and alkaline phosphatase with normal bilirubin levels. Imaging studies including abdominal ultrasound, CT abdomen and pelvis, MR angiogram of the abdomen and pelvis, were unremarkable. Work-up such as ANA, ANCA, HIV and hepatitis panel were normal. Colonoscopy and upper endoscopy were negative.…
On examination, the patient has normal strength and tone. No involuntary movements are noted. Her movements appear purposeful and normal, specifically there is no tremor or shaking and they are not slow. No fasciculations are noted. Tapping muscle tendons elicits a normal…
Introduction Perfusion is a very important aspect to the human body. Perfusion is defined as the flow of blood through arteries and capillaries that deliver oxygen and nutrients to the cells and removing cellular waste from the body (Giddens, 2013, p. 148). For us to maintain optimal perfusion, we need are heart to generate sufficient cardiac output. This means transporting the blood through patent blood vessels to supply the tissues throughout the body. Impaired perfusion may occur when the blood supply is reduced or completely interrupted (Giddens, 2013, p. 148).…
Dementia is an umbrella term. By this I mean that it covers many different conditions. Each condition affects the brain and can lead to dementia due to brain de deterioration and loss of function. Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome- this is a brain disorder in which not getting enough B1 vitamin will affect your brain function. B1 vitamin is used in the brain to change sugar into energy.…
There is a mother out there who does not recognize her own children. She does not even realize that she has grandchildren, possibly even great-grandchildren. She has forgotten that her husband has passed away. She spends her days wandering around aimlessly. She knows she has somewhere she needs to be, though she is unsure of where that is.…
Traditional assessment tools for the diagnosis of dementia are usually not suitable when evaluating individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD). In addition, the majority of healthcare providers is not armed with the training and experience needed to care for that population holistically. This paper centers on: the progressive changes that occur with dementia especially for individuals with Down Syndrome (DS); the various types of dementia and a focus on Alzheimer’s disease (AD); assessments specifically for the IDD population; and the importance of creating a support system for the individual their advocates; most importantly the need for an interdisciplinary team to have the necessary tools to provide the right care for this population. Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (IDD) formally referred to as Mental Retardation is a condition,…
The reason why I chose the assessment I did was because it focused on different cognitive domains. This test is taking to see if they have early signs of dementia. I thought it would be a good assessment to give because it was straightforward and well put together. The focus on this test was attention, executive functions, memory, and calculations. The assessment gave you two parts of the assessment the instructions that go along with the exam.…