Essay On Drug Abuse In America

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Drug abuse in America is at an all time high across the country. The effects of drug abuse on 18-35 year old male and females in America changes the way drug addicts see reality. Drug abuse can affect a person’s mental alertness, consciousness, cognitive and neurological functions, as well as lead to death, homelessness, loss of family and friends and even prison. Prescription drug overdoses constituted for more overdose deaths than heroin and cocaine combined, and as many, more emergency room visits. Most people start out with a legit medical issue that leads to a prescription for pain, cancer, and even stress. Prescription painkillers such as Vicodin or OxyContin are prescribed to them legally. Once addicted, and prescriptions have run out, they turn to the streets to obtain the drugs illegally, or they turn to illegal drugs because they are more affordable. Most addicts look for what they can afford at the time. According to Stephanie Siete, director of community education for the non-profit Community Bridges, “people addicted to …show more content…
Leaving the families in shambles. Studies show that “more than 8.3 million children in the United States under the age of 18 live with a parent who is dependent on drugs. For Children under the age of 6 years of old, this number increases to 14%. Majority of the parents with drug abuse issues are least likely to effectively reunite with their children, leaving the children in foster care for longer periods of time. (Rodi, Killian, Breitenbucher, Young, Bermejo, & Hall, 2015). The children are often left to fend for themselves, confused, dirty, and tardy or absent from school, or show disruptive behaviors. Some children are born with dependency issues past from the mother during birth, while others are affected later in life. Such as failing in school, expulsion or holding down a

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