Social Problems are problematic issues that arise in society. A condition or pattern of behavior that not only holds negative consequences for society, but also individuals and the physical world. Social problems do not need to directly affect everyone to be classified as a problem. Prescription drug abuse has become one of many social problems associated with substance abuse.
Let 's take a look at the sociological perspectives on social problems. First, the functionalist perspective, it looks at the consequences or functions of society. Guerrero (2015), author of Social Problems states, "a functionalist asks, how does the social problem emerge from society? Does the social problem serve a function?" It focuses on society and how the social order is maintained (Guerrero, 2015). Second is the conflict perspective, how coercion and power hold society together. The conflict perspective says social problems come from conflicts in society between groups in society. These groups are based on race, social class, ethnicity and gender. There is no easy solution, because those in power maintain their control (Guerrero, 2015). Third is the feminist perspective. This perspective focuses not just on one, but many perspectives describing a women 's repression. Helping to specify strategies for a woman 's freedom. Gender, social class, and race are included in description as social differences of the feminist perspective. This perspective looks at how women and men are positioned in society (Guerrero, 2015). Lastly, the interactionist perspective, Guerrero (2015), states, "An interactionist perspective focuses on how we use language, words, and symbols to create and maintain our social reality." These perspective outlines how as individuals we create our own social environment. Interactions with those in society create and define social problems (Guerrero, 2015). These perspectives lead to the realities of social problems. When society determines that a social condition really does exist, it becomes real. Objective reality says that you don 't have to be directly affected for the realness of a social problem to exist. Whereas, the subjective reality addresses a problem and how it became a problem. However, social constructionism states, a social problem only becomes real when they are defined as problematic (Guerrero, 2015). With these perspectives in mind, why does society consider some social problems more significant than others? Society considers social problems that affect more of the population more significant than others. An individual problem can most often be remedied, whereas a public, much larger problem, cannot be as easily fixed. When more of the general population is experiencing …show more content…
Prescription drug abuse is becoming more and more widespread. Drug abuse plays a significant role in social problems. Violence, child abuse, stress, and intoxicated driving among many other severely affect society. Drug abuse can lead to crime, homelessness, job absences, or even death (MedlinePlus, n.d.). According to Phillips (2013), author of Prescription drug abuse: Problem, policies, and implications, "Prescription drug abuse has emerged as the nation 's fastest growing drug problem." In 2010 a National Drug Use Survey indicated 2.4 million people used prescription medication for nonmedical purposes within that year. Twelve million children 12 years of age and older reported the same. Deaths from overdose has reached a epidemic rate. On average, 100 people die every day, tripling the death rate since 1990 (Phillips