Drugs today are taking over 19.7% of teenagers smoking pot and drinking at parties at least once a month. Drugs have been around since the 1600s. People have spent over $50 billion dollars on cigarettes and other types of drugs in the world. 20,000 people each year die from illegal drugs. In the article , “ DRUGS ARE NEVER RIGHT ’’ , Brianna B. Boise ID states that “ People go simply crazy it is awful and sometimes drugs are the reason for going crazy.’’ I think that drugs are the reason for people doing these type of things and I hope that it stops soon. Drugs are the second leading cause of death today. “Drugs are the second leading cause of teen death in the United States of America.” People automatically turn to drugs because they think that it is going to help them with their anxiety, bipolar disorder, and depression.”People see family members, friends, role models or entertainers using drugs and rationalize that they can too.” When you are younger you see things that you later on repeat in life. In the US alone, there have been more than 38,000 deaths from overdosing on drug abuse and we as Americans are trying to put a stop to it. …show more content…
When you are on it and you get addicted to the drug you get a feeling that you aren’t familiar to and you change the way you think completely. You can’t help the way that you feel after abusing a drug, but you can help not doing any