Interpersonal Connections In The Novel 'Feed' By Matthew Tobin Anderson

Improved Essays
Rojin Bijan
Jessica Taylor
English 100A
12 December 2017

Our lives as individuals is surrounded by personalized feeds, which is shaping our lives as who we are and who we will be in the future; it shapes our relationships as it destroys intimacy and changes the way we interact with our loved ones. We as a society have been conformed to this fixed mindset of what we believe we need in our relationships based on others. This virtual reality of our lives through smart-phones is damaging interpersonal connections which I see this not only throughout the novel “Feed” by Matthew Tobin Anderson but in our modern society today and personal experience.
The impact of our feeds aren’t necessarily always positive; they strip us from a personal touch towards one another such as saying “I love you” to someone for the first time or making the first move towards someone you like. For example, in the novel “Feed” by Matthew Tobin Anderson, we see how when their feeds are turned off, Titus was able to make a move on Violet without the help of his feed. During this scene, when the feed is hacked, we see how Titus reacts without its help. Titus dug deeper in his feelings and actually made a move. “She was staring at me, and I was staring at her, and I moved toward her, and we kissed. The vines beat against each other, out in the gray dead garden, they were writhing against the spine of the Milky Way on its edge...while the air leaked and the plants whacked each other near the silent stars (63)”. After all the whole point of love is becoming comfortable with your loved one that you can be vulnerable. As Titus established this
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“Do Mobile Phones Improve Relationships?”
Mandy Oaklander. “How Your Smartphone Is Ruining Your Relationship.” Time, Time, 28 Apr.
Twenge, Jean M. “Have Smartphones Destroyed a Generation?” The Atlantic, Atlantic Media Company, 4 Aug.

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