Distinct Social Classes In The 1920's

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The Roaring Twenties was a time of economic success that seemed endless: the economy aggrandized, wages increased, and everyone had access to more money than ever before. America had changed into a consumer society that contrasted with the production of industrial goods and frugality of the 19th century, becoming a leading cultural nation and a global power in the 20th century. Despite the economic boom of the 1920s, poverty and inequality were huge blemishes in the face of everyday society, the rich became richer, the poor, poorer. Distinct social classes were established and everyone was working to be at the top. As much as one worked, they would spend, causing a lower social status and sometimes a downfall in their everyday lives. Alike, …show more content…
The wealthy wanted no tax because it would allow them to keep more money and get wealthier. Andrew Mellon helped craft this by reducing taxes on all income levels, but mainly on the wealthy. This put the wealthy in favor and the middle and lower classes with downfalls. The legislation being made by someone of a wealthy social status represents how the upper class is looking out for themselves instead of the economy as a whole. This made the rich prosper and, as a result, become careless and used the money they have earned to increase their social status. This is illustrated by Daisy and Tom Buchanan, who are wealthy through their inheritance. Nick tells us of their haphazardness and how their money gets them out of any situation, “...they smashed up things and creatures and then retreated back into their money or their vast carelessness… and let other people clean up the mess they have made” (Fitzgerald 179). The Buchanans carry the ego of being at the top of the social ladder with them and make sure everyone knew it. With the added of the free enterprise legislation the Buchanans gained more money and it increased their socio-economic status. Daisy also relies on materialism and is one of the main reasons she married Tom. Daisy thrives off of money and luxury and it is …show more content…
People used the new prohibition law to sell alcohol and also sold drugs, gaining money, and climbing the social ladder to the upper class. Although illegal it was not uncommon and many people did it only to get from rags to riches. The lower and middle classes thought individuals could, through skill, hard work, and a bit of luck, pull themselves out of poverty (Silkenant). This common dream complements the way people wanted to live, but rarely achieved. Those who achieved this social status found it hard to fit in and was questioned on how they gained their wealth. Consequently, those who strived to become in the rich elite often times did not fit in and tried to. This is evident Jay Gatsby, who is successful from going from rags-to-riches. Nick states on page 93: The truth was that Jay Gatsby of West Egg, Long Island… He was a son of god… and he must be about his father’s business…” (Fitzgerald). When Nick said Gatsby is a “son of God” it inferences that Gatsby thinks he is in this world for much more than being part of the rich elite and sees himself as the center of attention. Gatsby successfully manipulates his way up the social ladder from participating in organized crime to mysterious parties. Gatsby has “new money” and throws these parties to gain attention of the wealthy, particularly Daisy, to be accepted as “one of them.” Everyone showed up to his parties, invited

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