1920s Film Analysis

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The 1920s was a time of political, social and economic change. It was an era of prosperity, however not long lasting as the Great Depression of 1929 loomed. Frivolity, fun and the flapper emerged as people discovered new ways to spend their newly found leisure time. The United States entered a time of good feeling and even the introduction of prohibition did not inhibit people from having a good time. America had become a consumer society due to newly found affluence and with this came mass culture. Americans were buying the same products, listening to the same music and experiencing and enjoying the same movies. It was a time of great cohesion for the country that was coming back from war. However the 1920s, as ‘roaring’ as it may seem, was …show more content…
The lack of African Americans in The Jazz Singer becomes clear as Jack Robin (played by Al Jolson) appears on screen for the first time in blackface. The only African American representation in the film is through what is considered a racist imitation or caricature. Jolson’s use of blackface and its meaning has been subject to much debate by scholars. Rogin believes blackface was a vehicle for upward mobility, as Jack Robin ‘rises by putting on the mask of a group that must remain, immobile, unassimilable and fixed at the bottom’. However this is revised by Musser, who believes that Jack was not attempting to mask his Jewishness but rather provide a visualization of an attempt to adopt a lifestyle different from his traditional roots. This is clear in the scene where Jack (in blackface) is begged by his mother to sing in place of his father. His mother doesn’t recognize him,"Jakie - this ain 't you?". Yudleson adds "He talks like Jakie - but he looks like his shadow." This assessment from Yudleson reaffirms the conflict Jack feels regarding his identity, and his choice to either perform on stage or at the altar. Blackface is not the main focus of The Jazz Singer, nor is it an image that should be the sole focus of study in regards to understand the racial and ethnic relations of the …show more content…
The 1920s was a period of racial and ethnic cultural mixing however this was limited due to the intrinsic prejudice and racism in American society. The decade saw unprecedented hybridity and crossover between African American and white relations. Due to mass culture and consumption, African American culture gained visibility in mainstream America. However, the appropriation of this culture and the lack of African American presence in The Jazz Singer highlight the double standards in popular culture. The visibility of other races and ethnicities led to a surge in nativism and patriotic sentiment, as well as increased membership in the Ku Klux Klan. The Jazz Singer explicitly shows Jewish religion and tradition. For Jakie Rabinowitz, the film follows his attempts to successful navigate his ethnic upbringing and modern ‘American’ life. This conflict between tradition and modernity is seen through his interactions with his parents throughout the film. Through the negotiation of old world tradition and new world modernity, it is clear that racial and ethnic relations, while progressive for the era, were held back by the conflicts and prejudices of those bound to regressive racial attitudes. The navigation of these identities and the conflict between traditional and modern take center stage in what is a historical film that is much more than a piece on white/black

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