Nick Carraway, the narrator, is moved by those around him. Nick is an upright, wholesome guy. He listens to what everyone has to say and reserves judgment towards them. He is affected by others wealth. He is surrounded by wealthy people that are corrupt and always seems to always be put in situations that put him in a predicament. In The Great Gatsby, Nick, Gatsby, Jordan Baker, Daisy, and Tom are all in the city. While they are there Tom and Gatsby get in a fight. Afterwards, Nick realizes it’s his birthday. “I have never been able to forgive the rich for being rich, and it has colored my entire life and works,” a quote from F. Scott Fitzgerald (Batchelor 149). The rich affect more than they think. In The Great Gatsby there is that line, The Valley of Ashes, which separates the rich from the poor. The poor are constantly surrounded by rich people. Nick Carraway is similar to Fitzgerald in the fact that he is constantly surrounded by rich people and affected by them.
Wealth can do a number on a person. Those in The Great Gatsby are victims of thinking money’s power. Jay Gatsby says, “[Daisy] her voice full of money,” (Fitzgerald 120). Her and Tom Buchanan subconsciously believe that money can get them anything: power, love, and social status. Daisy uses her money to hide from things when she’s afraid or if things get too hard to handle. As a result from growing …show more content…
“Almost five years! There must have been moments even that afternoon when Daisy tumbled short of his dreams- not through her own fault […]” (Fitzgerald 95). The moment Gatsby had been waiting for and working up for, finally meeting Daisy again. The moment they met, Gatsby subconsciously knew that things between Daisy and him wouldn’t work. Nick Carraway describes how Gatsby’s eyes said it all. He knew that she wasn’t the same person she was five years ago. Gatsby is so blinded by his obsession and love towards her that he is unable to pick up on Daisy’s and other people’s mannerisms that are obvious signs of things that something was