Abuse Of Power In The Great Gatsby

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Corruption is one of the many problems in the world, where people suffer from the abuse of power and authority. It can take many forms, from wealth to brutality and cheating.
Corruption in society is one of the worse things that people who are in the lower class have to deal with, while others that are above the law and society are the ones that creates the problems.
In The Great Gatsby written by F. Scott Fitzgerald, there are many people that take advantage of their status and power to live their lives with ease and many people from the lower class suffer from those that abuse their dominance. The novel illustrates that corruption of people and society causes the loss of innocence and human prosperity as shown through Meyer Wolfsheim, the
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It is an area “where ashes grow like wheat into ridges and hills and grotesque gardens; where ashes take the forms of houses and chimneys and rising smoke and, finally with a transcendent effort, of men who move dimly and already crumbling through the powdery air”(23). The valley of ashes is an area between New York and West Egg. The region has many people that undergo work and poverty. It is not just the people that endure the pain from their superiors but the area too, suffers from the immorality of those in power. There is one particular character that gets what she wants because of her affair with Tom Buchanan and her name is Myrtle Wilson. Myrtle is married to George Wilson and she cheats on him with Tom Buchanan. Tom is one of the richest man in East Egg and Myrtle profits off of Tom with gifts that he gets for her. Mr.Wilson eventually discovers that “Myrtle had some sort of life apart from him in another world”(124). Women back in the 1920’s that had cheated on their husbands were considered promiscuous women and were looked down upon. With Myrtle who swindles Tom, it shows how corruption has reached within the valley of ashes because of its immorality that results to her death. Overall the valley of ashes symbolizes the reality of the American Dream and the corruption that is within

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