Displaying Hidden Bias Research

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4 Ways You Might be Displaying Hidden Bias in Everyday life
People go through day in and day out making decisions big and small, but when it comes down to it are those choices bias? As we grow up our parents and the people around us start to mold our choices; they start to teach us what is good and bad in the world. Sometimes determined by their standards and sometimes just because that is how it is in the world. The research has showed that deep within all of us there is bias; even though we might not show it on the outside, it is within all of us. This is called implicit bias which refers to the “attitudes or stereotypes that effect our understanding, actions, and decisions in an unconscious manner” "Understanding implicit bias.” It is shown
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But when people decide where their first homes are going to be located as the author I stop and wonder how did they decide where they live today? When simply looking up best tips for buying a new home the second tip on the top ten list was, determine the “type” of people who you would want to live in the neighborhood with “Life Hacker”. The bias on deciding where to live based on race is not even hidden. This example might not seem like much but it was not very hard to find when looking up anything to do with buying a house, they all asked the same questions. Who would you want to live around? What type of culture do you like? These types of questions are being asked to future home owners, all in which are very racist and biased. We claim we aren’t being bias but digging deeper we finding things like this that change the mind set on how people feel towards one another. Kate Lindberg-Vazquez, a rental housing adviser at the center. Stated “I have people come in and draw a map of where they’re only willing to live, “(How Race Still Influences)”. This proves that people come in to buying a house with the mind set where they do not want to live and where they do not even giving it chances because they already have predesived notions in there head. Kate also states that these people have mental maps in there head because of stilly thinks like rumors, stuff they watch on TV, and blog posts. This shows that not just …show more content…
But deciding who to like based on the color of their skin or the features they have based on their race is something that is very common in the dating world today. Professional match maker of over 2 and half years Emma Tessler talks about the dating world based on her findings. She found that about 90% of her 2500 dating clients have racial preferences. Which might be a common thing to find out about but it’s the 90% group that have racial preferences, 89.95% of the 90% group have preferences for only white people “(Dating Preferences)”. Even though this statement might not be very convincing this is not the only site in which online dating/matchmaker have found this shocking data in which white people have a high preference for only dating their own race. This just shows how people come in to the dating world already having so many guidelines in there head of what they want the person to look like. In an official study done by Yale University in 2016, A total of 132 class room teachers were shown 12, 30-second clips and a six minute clip, and were displayed in semi-randomized order. Following the administration of the video clips, participants were shown a screen with photos of the four children they had previously seen in the balanced clips (a Black boy, a Black girl, a White boy, and a White girl). Each photo was assigned a letter (A-D) and participants were asked to select the letter of the

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