I have learned to recognize that I have my own ethnocentrism, that it is okay to feel proud of my own culture in the sense that, maybe there are other ways to do things, but I like my way better because that is the way I am accustomed to. Still, it does not mean someone else´s way is wrong or bad, it is just the way they have learned it in their …show more content…
I was able to reflect on my personal bias. I wondered if despite I thought I was accepting of differences among cultures, I could still be biased towards some of them. The answer was: yes. In my homework, I included 'Gay - Straight' IAT and it turned out I did not have an inclination towards any, but then I got a bit curious and did another two. When I completed the 'Religions' IAT I found out I have a negative view of Islam and a positive view of Christianity which is the religion I grew up in and eventually left.
The results did surprise me because I thought I saw all religions as equal, but I do not know enough about Islam, and what I know is what I see on the news which is often not portrayed in a good light.
Looking for resources about unconscious biases, I found out this TED video where Yassmin Abdel-Magied talks about the topic and gives a few examples of how people biases would come up in real life. She explains that Unconscious Bias does not mean there is a racist, sexist or any other –ist lurking inside of you, it just means there are some behaviors that need to be acknowledged. There was also a question she