Disha software and hardware Ltd. has recently certified the production of arduino software and hardware. The main aim of the company that it has to produce 10000 of arduino and program them in way that they work as ultrasonic sensor. The team is divided into two major parts, one for hardware design and production and other for software production for the project. There is certain time limit in which project has to be completed and to handed to the clients. This project will result the production of new gadget providing the meet of the clients. It will improve the relation status of the company and the client which will provide more bright future of the company.
Disha software and hardware Ltd. is the leading name in the market because of its quality product, flexibility, easy to use, long life, and providing best customer service. The company can state itself a granter of effective and easy to use hardware and software in the market. PROJECT MANAGEMENT APPROACH The project manager, Tushar Panwar is carrying all the responsibility for the execution of the project. The project team is divided in many groups which are following:- • Hardware design team • Printed circuit board team • Soldering team • Component assembling team • Software design team • Quality control team • Final testing team The project manager will use all the resources to complete the project planning. Project sponsor plays an important role in the whole project as all the funding decision will be made by them and whole project will be approved as well. If any approval is needed regarding to the project it should be done in writing and to be signed by both project sponsor and project manager. In each team there will be certain members according to the need and all will be controlled by their team supervisor. …show more content…
Supervisor of the teams will give the progress report to the manager throughout the duration of the project. The project manager is responsible for all performance of each project resource.
The scope of the Disha hardware and software limited includes all important features like design, planning, testing, and many more. Both software and hardware and complete device will meet the requirements and standards of the clients. Scope of whole project contains completion all the documentation details. Completion of project will take place when the software and hardware are completely designed and fully tested. MILESTONE LIST
The chart given below shows the milestone of this project. It shows the description and the dates of the milestones that should be completed on the given date. If any delay takes place then which can affect the milestone list then project manager will be informed immediately. Any changes will be approved by the project manager and will communicate to the project team.
Milestone Description Date Complete Requirements Gathering All requirements for design of hardware and software 1/20/2015 Complete hardware Design Hardware Design need to be completed 4/21/2015 Complete software Coding All coding completed and software prototype 6/31/2015 Complete PCB and soldering Completion of Printed Circuited board and soldering and quality check 7/14/2015 Complete testing All functionality will be tested for both software and hardware 8/11/2015 Complete assembling and final testing Completion of documentation and final testing 10/10/2015 COST MANAGEMENT PLAN The project manager Tushar is responsible for the management and has to report all the cost of the each and every part of the project throughout the duration of it. He will review all the cost status of the project and its performance during all weekly meeting. He will be responsible for the calculation of cost deviations and present the sponsor a safety to get the project back on budget. All the decision related to the budget will be informed to the sponsor. For the project Cost and Schedule index (CPI and SPI) will be reported by the manager which will be on month basis. In the CPI and SPI, Variances of 8% or +/-0 .08 will be responsible for the change in the status of cost to yellow or warning. This will be considered and if it doesn’t affect the cost