Question 1: Do you think the absence of a full-time CIO has had an impact on this acquisition project? Why or why …show more content…
So yes, the absence of a full-time CIO had a huge impact on this acquisition project. Making a full-time CIO to a part-time contract position displays a huge consequence on the hospital system acquisition process. The nature of the part-time job has limited responsibility and limited time to go through details of workload. In health care organization, the effective application of IT is a major element of its strategies and plans which are most often led by CIO. In Doctor’s Hospital because of the lack of the decision-making it started facing information systems challenges. First, there were backlogs in both emergency department (ED) and outpatient areas. Secondly, enhancing capacity management software could interrupt or to slow down the existing flow process of Hospital’s construction. Finally, project steering committee which is the most important for system acquisition is stalled. Therefore, system acquisition interrupted mostly because of the absence of a full-time …show more content…
As well as project steering committee also identified the vendor and the product and they already prepared the budget. So upon that a realistic time frame for implementing the capacity management system can be anytime between 6 months to one year. But most importantly many factors depends on the implementation of the capacity management system. Therefore, to ensure the new timeline is met: First and foremost Doctor’s hospital should build an implementation team and assigned a project leader who is knowledgeable in clinical and administrative areas and also in information technology areas. Secondly, the project’s goal and objectives should be related to Doctor Hospital’s strategic goals. And finally to develop and implement a project plan; based on major tasks, duration of each task, target dates, measuring evaluating completion and