Digital Dementia Research Paper

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The National Safety Council reports that “cell phone use while driving leads to 1.6 million crashes each year” (“Texting And Driving Statistics - Distracted Driving Drives Up Risk”). The Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines technology as, “the use of science in industry, engineering, ect., to invent useful things or solve problems.” But when the word technology comes to mind in the context of today’s society, it has a drastically different definition. When the word technology is heard, what does come to mind are cellphones, computers, tablets, and smart televisions. As technology progresses, human dependency on technology also increases, which negatively influences important aspects of life, which include basic social and communication skills, …show more content…
Concerning this mental health, the University of California, Los Angeles conducted a study which revealed “some alarming information about the developing brains of young people. They’re spending upwards of 7 hours a day attached to their iPads, smartphones, computers and gaming consoles. And the effects to their brains are proving to be very damaging” (“Overuse Of Technology Can Lead to ‘Digital Dementia’”). This damaging effect is known as “Digital Dementia,” which German neuroscientist Manfred Spitzer first coined in 2012. Simply, the definition of this term describes how the overuse of digital technologies results in the gradual destruction of cognitive abilities. Furthermore, the study links the traits of “Digital Dementia” to ones similar to that of people who have experienced cerebral injuries or psychiatric illness. Concerning the effects of technology on the physical health on humans, a study found that “when you tilt your head 60 degrees to stare at your phone, you're putting 60 pounds of pressure on your neck. Previous research also shows that sitting in front of our computers all day can also negatively affect our stature” (“Sneaky Ways Technology Is Messing With Your Body And Mind”). In other words, the posture humans assume while looking down at cellphones or computers has adverse effects on the spinal system. Although opponents may claim that …show more content…
One such example is a poll in which “62 per cent of women claimed that technology interfered with time spent with their partner and almost one third of respondents said their boyfriend has looked at his smartphone while they were talking. One quarter ever said their partner has been known to compose texts during face-to-face conversations” (“Are You 'in Love' with Your SMARTPHONE? 75% of Women Admit Devices Are Ruining Their Relationships”). In simpler terms, technology, especially cell phones, subtract from those important, intimate moments in a relationship where attention to the other person is vital. As Sarah Coyne explains from a Brigman Young University Study, “‘By allowing technology to interfere with or interrupt conversations, activities, and time with romantic partners - even when unintentional or for brief moments - individuals may be sending implicit messages about what they value most, leading to conflict and negative outcomes in personal life and relationships’” (“Are You 'in Love' with Your SMARTPHONE? 75% of Women Admit Devices Are Ruining Their Relationships”). Scientists deem this as “technoference,” which is the interference of technology in relationships and implications for personal and relational well-being because of everyday intrusions and interruptions as a result of technology devices.

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