Dementia Research Paper

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Dementia isn’t a certain disease. It is instead a general term that defines a board spectrum of symptoms. These symptoms are associated with a loss of memory or other thinking skills bad enough to lessen peoples’ ability to perform daily activities. Dementia can be seen apparently in two brain functions, which are memory loss and damaged judgement or language, and the incapability of performing daily responsibilities such as due dates, becoming lost while driving for periods of time and bills needing to be paid. Although memory loss is a symptom of dementia, memory loss itself does not mean that you have dementia. There is a certain degree of memory loss that just means you’re aging. Alzheimer’s disease is a type of dementia and accounts for sixty to eighty percent of dementia cases. The second most common type of dementia is vascular dementia, which happens after a stroke. Some causes of dementia may be permanent. Dementia is, at times, falsely associated as senility or senile.

Damage to brain cells is the
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All of the ones listed above destroy brain cells and cause loss of either memory, language or judgment ability. Other disorders linked to dementia are Huntington’s disease, traumatic brain injury, Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease and Parkinson’s disease. There are some conditions like dementia that could be reversed, which are infections, metabolic problems, nutritional deficiencies.

Most of the types of dementia can’t be cured. The doctor will give you treatment for dementia that would help slow or minimize the development of symptoms. Cholinesterase inhibitors are medications that work by increasing levels of a chemical messenger involved in memory and judgment. Memantine is another medication that works by regulating the activity of glutamate, which is another chemical messenger involved in brain

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