Dementia In Brazil

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Dementia has been an issue well-known all around the world. It affects many parts of the world in aspects of economy, families, and the victim themselves. The official definition of dementia is, a chronic or persistent disorder of the mental processes caused by brain disease or injury and marked by memory disorders, personality changes, and impaired reasoning. Dementia can be caused by many things, head injuries, strokes, and brain infections. Anyone can get dementia, for example, a motorcyclist can get dementia from a motor accident. It has to do with how bad the brain got damaged. A mild head injury can cause prolonged or permanent damage for thinking, understanding, remembering, communicating, and reasoning.

There are many myths and facts about dementia. A popular myth
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The death rate was 12.56 per 100,000 per population. Brazil ranked #26 in the world, with dementia as #12 for the causes of deaths. In Brazil, more than 1 million people are living with some form of dementia; it is estimated that 77% of people with dementia had not been diagnosed about 800,000 people. Although the problem of dementia is a matter of concern for government authorities, data relating to the prevalence of the disease in Brazil are scarce. To try to prevent dementia, Brazil offers free health care. They are able to receive free of charge treatment if dementia is mildly or moderately severe. According to, “The Lancet”, In Sao Paulo, Brazil, all patients 65 plus and selected patients are treated with anticholinesterasic drugs. “The Lancet”, also includes that there more needs to be done, “clinicians need to be trained in diagnosis of dementia, health-service workers need to be trained in the long-term management of this condition, and general awareness about dementia needs to be increased.” In other words, Brazil needs workers with experience to meet the needs of people with

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