Different Forms Of Discrimination In The United States

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No one is born with hate against another person just because that person has a different color of the skin, different ancestry or different religion. People learn how to hate, but they can also be taught how to love, loving is more natural for the human heart than the opposite,” said Nelson Mandela in his inauguration speech when he was elected as the first Black president of South Africa in 1994. The diversity among people is deeply woven into the foundation of every society: young and old, people with different economic and social abilities, socially marginalized and people with different religious affiliation or belief, individuals with different sexual orientation, people from a different national or ethnic origin. All they expect and deserve to be fairly included in the social, political and cultural life of society.

In fact, the mass media, especially those
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To be discriminated means to get different treatment compared to others based on some of your characteristics; skin color, sex, language, religion etc. Discriminatory traditions, ideas and practices exist in many countries and institutions in every part of the world, even in ones where discrimination is generally superseded. Therefore, many countries are introducing laws that can help in preventing various forms of discrimination.

Furthermore, stereotypes are relatively simplified and rigid beliefs about the members of certain social groups. Simplified because they generalize entire groups, and rigid because it is very difficult to change them. They are generally not accurate because they do not take into consideration the diversity of individuals belonging to a particular group. We all have a responsibility to fight against stereotypes and prejudices that we notice in ourselves and in others, with confronting them and trying to explain the characteristics of a person regardless of its affiliation to a particular

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