The breakdown of decisive orders or inability to act resulted from the squabbling and differences between the members of government, while the army of Rome was ready to march on an adversary they essentially lost the element of strategic surprise. The army of Rome can be described as a mass of tacticians where they displayed an amazing ability to replicate itself at an almost infinite limit which can be attributed to the Romans empowerment of its citizens and the inherent duty the average man felt he had to fulfill in serving his country. When fighting on the battle field the Roman army would advance on an enemy position in silence, they would then unleash a barrage of javelins disabling and killing their adversaries, smaller elements of 60 to 100 legionnaires would then attack portions of the enemy’s first rank to either create or identify weak points. Upon identification of an enemy’s disadvantage the first two ranks would attack breaking through the formation. Despite 2 out of 3 ranks from the phalanx being engaged, the Romans still had the remaining third rank of phalanx unengaged and available to flex to where the men were needed . The leaders in the army showed they understood economy of force, mass, unity of command, security through offense, and maneuver, through this form …show more content…
Whether in defeat or victory Roman men were willing to fight and die for their country . It is said during that time there was no deadlier fighting force in the world than the Roman Infantry and I tend to agree. The men where highly disciplined and trained, displaying a precise and controlled method for violence executed by motivated young men with an unmatched love for country and freedom. The approach of a citizen army that has a set of deep rooted values and ideals is nearly impossible to defeat. The only way to conquer a military of this nature, one has to kill the idea or value, which can be done only through attrition. The enemy of Rome would have to destroy all personnel until there is no one left to carry on the idea or until it becomes an utterly hopeless