If I can remember well I think it was an old man on the phone. The old man told me that he had heard a loud scream from his neighbor Edgar A Poe’s house on Thursday at around 11 in the night and he also told me that he suspects murder. I asked the old man what his neighbors address was and he told me the address while I was noting it down. I did not believe him and lied to the old man that we will …show more content…
Poe’s house and started to search for suspicious things. Mr. Poe and I were just generally talking about random things while I was searching the house. I found nothing suspicious so I told Mr. Poe that “I might have got a wrong information.” I left the house and just when I was about to get into my car Mr. Poe said “you have not checked the basement yet sir.” I then stepped into his house again and went down the stairs to his basement. I could tell that Mr. Poe was much disorganized with stuff in his house. The whole basement was very dirty and had a lot of tools in it. Mr. Poe and I were talking about the walls in the house for some reason while I was searching the basement for suspicious things. I said to Mr. Poe “like I said Mr. Poe there is nothing suspicious in this house of yours.” I was climbing up the stairs to the top floor and that is when I heard a very loud scream from behind one of the walls in the basement. I rushed back down the stairs, took one of the shovels and broke down the wall from where the scream was coming from. I could not believe what I was seeing so I squinted my eyes but still I saw the same thing. It was a woman whose head looked like it was half cut by an axe. She was screaming at a very high tone, I could not believe that she was still alive. After a few seconds the scream was gone and I knew for sure that she was dead now because her heart was not beating. I turned to look at Mr. Poe and I could now see that he was extremely