Andrew Martinez
Chapter 1 - The Sound of the Shell
Lord of the flies although a bit confusing at first is pretty enthralling, It’s words are not as prominent so I need to think more about the context to fully get the gist of the sentence. In the first scene we can see that the boys are scattered through out the island, but a boy, later know to become Ralph is exploring. He finds a boy whose name we don't know but is later called piggy because of Ralph finds out that's what he was called in school. Piggy and Ralph later find a granite platform where they rest and find a conch. Ralph uses it to call other students. A large number of boys appear and they form a sort of council. We find out many names but …show more content…
As the night starts to come he sneaks over to the end of the thicket so he can look at what jack's tribe is doing. He sees the roasted pig and realizes has hungry. Ralph makes his way back to the beach where he destroys the lord of the flies, grabs the spear, and makes off. At night he runs to castle rock and stares at jacks tribe where he calls out softly to Sam and Eric even though they don't want to come over they do and tell Ralph jack is going to hunt Ralph tomorrow. Hearing footsteps near Sam and Eric quickly give Ralph a hunk of meat and run off.. Ralph goes to the thicket near jacks camp, eats and falls asleep. When he awakes he finds that jack is only a few feet away from where he is. After throwing rocks at the thicket jack has the boys try and smoke him out with a fire but Ralph worms his way out the back entrance. When he leaves he finds a small savage waiting for him but he has no time for sympathy so he stabs him and runs into the thickest vines he could find. He sees jack and jumps out at him and hits him till he falls. Ralph runs trying to evade the savages until he trips and comes tumbling down the beach but he sees a naval officer instead of the savages. The officer saw the island on fire and came to see the commotion but when he finds out that people were killed he lectures the boys about being