Definition Essay On Stress

Improved Essays

Threw out life you will run into things that will create stress. It is good to know the types of stress and how to eliminate it, or decrease it to a healthy level. Stress can cause a handful of problems such as low energy or ambition, accelerated ageing, headaches and, depression/anxiety. Stress is a factor that affects everyone and can cause many problems. There is a lot of different types of stress: mental, physical, emotional, nutritional, and toxic. The ways to cope with mental, physical, emotional, and nutritional stress are easier to do alone such as working out, eating healthy, getting enough rest, not letting yourself get overwhelmed, and shutting out negative people . Toxic stress is easier to avoid then the others but
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“Ongoing stress can smolder beneath the skin, kids brains and other body systems that can lead to some of the major causes of death and disease in adulthood, including heart attacks and diabetes.”(Tanner) You should not completely shelter a child from stress but challenge him/her and ready them for the stress they will endure throughout their life. Toxic stress and trauma can get in the way of learning and cause behavioral problems. Schools have started putting in “safe rooms,” padded rooms that kids can let anger out and can't hurt themselves or others when doing …show more content…
Just all of that is stressful then there's the stuff parents expect to be done once at home for chores. “ (APA) found that during the school year, teens say their stress levels are higher than levels reported by adults in the past month. Teens report that their stress levels during the school year far exceed what is believed to be health(5.8 versus 3.9 on a 10-point scale) and tops adults’ average reported stress levels (5.8 for teens and 5.1 for adults).(American Psychological Association) . At the rate these teens are experince bring concern for their health and it is alarming that they don't understand what this level of stress can to their brains and bodies. Everything that is expected out of a highschool student leaves little time for them to do or make time for things to help deal with the stress. Many have reported not have the time to exercise, good night's sleep, or being with friends and family . Teens have also reported skipping meals from being too stressed to eat. If there is no time made to counteract the stress it will keep building up make things

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